Wednesday, February 19

organization station!

i just reorganized my 'organization station'---basically ground zero for planning and plotting out our families activities. i have 2 ikea magnetic boards for my son's school things--upcoming events, reminders etc... and then i have a bulletin board designated to all the product tests i am currently involved with. i use my family organizer calendar to just down all family events, deadlines, survey stuff.
i have tried to go the technological route and utilize my iPhones notes and calendar for this but i simply prefer to write it all down where the whole family can easily see whats going on that week.

i highly suggest amy knapps family organizer--it comes with sheets of stickers (sports practice, vet, dentist, no school etc..) and the boxes for each day are large enough to fit in several event

here is the link for the calendar from amazon.
My favorite wall calendar

please share how you organize your life and any best practices!

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