Monday, April 14

Mediterranean dinner!

here is a recipe i stumbled across and it turned out to be a definite hit with the family!

very easy and can be made early in the day and refrigerated until you are ready to cook it. the original recipe calls for 'smoked paprika' and i only had regular paprika but otherwise i followed the recipe faithfully.

you just need chicken, tomatoes (yellow and red), cilantro, lemons, cannelloni beans, and the usual herbs and spices. the avocado yogurt sauce was a nice addition but my kids didn't like it.
i served it with whole grain pita and couscous.

the leftovers were very tasty as well and we got two full meals out of it.
click here for the recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm! Looks delish!
    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!


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