Wednesday, April 9

SurveySavvy Review


surveysavvy has quickly become one of my biggest money makers! Yes, you do have to install their savvyconnect on your computer and phone (i realize some people have privacy issues with these types of applications) but once it's downloaded and active--huge paying opportunities will come your way!

in the past 2 months i have earned over $300 by qualifying for 'special projects' that i would not have been eligible for without having savvyconnect installed. the studies themselves were super easy and i can't think of another company that paid so well for so little work.

i myself have not experienced any negative issues from having their software installed on my devices. no data breaches, no lagging, slowness, or crashing---i honestly don't even realize it's there.

surveysavvy--click link to join--no minimum threshold to request a check!

while this is not one of my favorites because i hardly every get any surveys from them (avg. probably 1-2 a month), the thing i do like is you can request payment at anytime. do a $2 survey and immediately request a check! of course then you are waiting 6-8 wks for it.

i also have been invited to other higher paying activities on two occasions through their site so for that reason as well i keep them around. they also are global so check to see if your country is listed.

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