Tuesday, June 17

Checkout 51

my friend just recently introduced me to this app/site. i had been a huge fan of Endorse, which sadly shut its doors a while back. i use ibotta occasionally but my regional grocery store (schnucks) doesn't support it. Checkout 51 can be used with ANY retailer which makes it a winner with me! in fact you can buy from ANY retailer (even online!) as long as you have a validated receipt.

similar to the others, you simply check off their promoted items that you bought that week and then upload your receipt. easy as pie. i have made $7 in just the few weeks i joined. every week they have at least one 'generic' item like milk, eggs or bananas so that's easy money. once you hit $20 you cash out and they mail you a check.

available for iOS devices, android and online through their website. united states and canada.

give them a try!

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