Sunday, November 30

Personal Trainer Food Week One Wrap Up


Week 1 of Personal Trainer Food is in the books! Overall I am feeling pretty good. And although they don't recommend jumping on the scale I couldn't resist--I had to know what progress I had made!


So far......... 2 lbs. lost. Honestly, I was expecting more. I haven't eaten a spoonful of sugar or refined carbs and thought it would have made more of an impact but I guess I'll take it. Current weight: 144.

I am getting use to not eating breads, pastas and other refined carbs. I am actually most struggling with ZERO wine. I guess I am more of a wineaholic that I want to admit! But rules are rules and no alcohol is allowed :(

Although I haven't cheated I did ask my PTF Coach if I could partake in Thanksgiving Dinner. She replied I could but just needed to stick with the protocols of the program and only consume meats, non-starchy vegetables, and cheeses. I was able to enjoy our turkey, ham and green beans and didn't feel deprived! (well maybe I did look longingly at the pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce across the table). Even so, it just illustrates that the Personal Trainer Food way of eating is easily applied to real life food and situations.

On to Week 2!

The 28 day PersonalTrainerFood program was provided to me free of charge in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Thanks for sharing in the new year I am planning on starting a diet and healthier eating, my problem is i love my carbs!

    1. I hear ya---i am a carb junkie as well. i am still craving them but they say your cravings subside after a few weeks---here's hoping!

  2. Congrats on your weight loss! Now I want bacon and eggs ;)

    1. haha! thank you for the kind words and for stopping by!


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