Sunday, November 23

Personal Trainer Food has arrived!


My PTF is here---48 lbs. of it! I must say shipping is super quick. I placed my order Tuesday afternoon and Saturday it is at my doorstep. (in fact I could have even chosen Friday for delivery). It was all still very frozen and packed with dry ice. The food categories were also layered within the box for easy sorting--meats on the bottom, then veggies, breakfasts and snacks on the top.


I was able to empty out nearly everything in our second refrigerator freezer and I still couldn't fit it all! They do say if you cannot accommodate all the food you can refrigerate the meats and eggs for up to 14 days. However, they do not recommend letting the vegetables thaw because they will end up being soggy. With that advice I was able to fit all the veggies and 14 days of eggs and meats in the freezer with the remainder of eggs and meats in the fridge. They also include one bottle of garlic seasoning free to add some additional flavor to the vegetables.

What I immediately like about this program is that I have ZERO supplemental shopping to do. In other programs I have tried, I have had to also go out and buy fruits and veggies, which of course adds to the overall cost of the program.

I am about to start their All Inclusive Plan which includes 3 meals plus 2 snacks daily, which retails for $419 for the 28 day package.

They recommend you do a clear liquid fast 24-48 hrs. before starting the program so I will fast tomorrow and begin the meals Monday.

The 28 day PersonalTrainerFood program was provided to me free of charge in exchange for my honest review.

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