Friday, May 22

1Q: The 1 Question App that Pays

have you tried 1Q yet? if not, sign up now! they simply ask 1 single question and then you get paid instantly via paypal once you answer. you have to act quick--most questions expire in 5 minutes. questions pay 50 cents but you do have option to 'reduce your fee' to 25 cents per question which apparently makes you more attractive to companies and increases your chances of being given questions over others.

the action on this site seems to come in waves. some months i hear nothing and others i may get 3 questions. it's not a lot by any means but these questions are truly just a single 'yes or no' answer so it doesn't get more effortless than that. it also is available to countries outside the US---just attempt to register to see if yours is one of them.
sign up here!

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