Wednesday, June 10

Brand Institute Review

i have been a member of brand institute for a few years now. they are truly geared towards individuals in the medical field, but even so, i get invites from them at least monthly. since i have zero medical background the majority of my surveys involve naming a new pharmaceutical and the pay always ranges between $2 and $8. sometimes the surveys can drag and all the proposed names can start to sound the same. they pay paypal and you know quickly if you are disqualified so you never feel you wasted your time with them.

i am sure anyone in the healthcare/medical field could really clean up on this site. they also offer a VIP status (which i am) that offers additional perks like being notified first of survey opportunities, being able to refer friends and being able to go directly to the site to view any open surveys. the process of becoming a VIP involves completing a questionnaire and emailing them a copy of your drivers license/ID (which i found unusual but still complied).

paypal payment does take several weeks-- so much so, you forgot you even took the survey and it's a nice surprise! definitely a departure from traditional survey sites and worth the registration. many countries outside the USA are also accepted.

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