Tuesday, August 25

OnePoll is One Great Paying Site!

sign up link:

this site offers one of the best wages per hour for survey sites.  every survey pays 50 cents and averages 3 minutes--that calculates to $10 per hour. definitely worth the sign up folks!

OnePoll is a UK based survey company that i discovered in the past year. what i love about them is the surveys are ALWAYS very short and sweet (nothing over 5 minutes here!) and they always seem to pay 50 cents, which is actually pretty good for the time invested.
there actually seems to be a whole range of sister sites as shown below, although i haven't tried to register for any of these. rewards are done through paypal.

the not so good things about OnePoll---payout is $65 before you can redeem and with the frequency of surveys that will take a good amount of time. redemption also takes a good amount of time--expect to wait a month for that paypal to deposit! still, it only took me about 5 months to cash out and honestly these are some of the quickest 50 cent surveys out there.
surveys can fill up quickly. respond to emailed surveys as quickly as possible and check the site regularly too since not all available surveys seem to be emailed.

sign up link:

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