Friday, November 20

Datacoup--Sell Your Personal Data For Cash!

yes, there now is a company that sells your data profile to prospective companies and market researchers for a set price. the site is datacoup and they believe the consumer should actually make a profit from all the information that is collected from us. the price for your data is based on how much you are willing to share--below is a graph of what categories they are currently using:

everyone has a different threshold with what they are comfortable sharing. i have linked up fb, twitter, linkedin, foursquare, google +, instagram, and my debit card. i have not linked my credit card (i haven't used it in years and quite honestly cannot remember my username and password to link it up!) 

right now my data is going for $1.16 a week although it could be higher if i linked up an active credit card.

i have no idea who is purchasing my data or why. most buyers only buy my data for one week though. i average a purchase of my data about once a month.

in the 6 months i have been a member i have not had any security issues or data breaches. payment is made by a credit to a debit card you provide.

i realize this passive money maker is not for everyone but it is free, it is completely passive and so far i have found it to be completely safe. i figure everyone is already accessing my personal info when i am online, i might as well get paid for it!

check them out here: and get all the fine print details.

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