last year i made a post on how i earn $100 a month from swagbucks. well, the site has changed so much since then i felt it was time for an updated post on exactly how i make swagbucks work for me in 2017.
as soon as i wake up i turn on my phone to swagbuck videos. this will earn you 10 sbs. this takes AWHILE. it is best if you have a second phone for this.
then i go to their sister apps that also play videos for points. i use lifestylz, indymusic and entertainow. this will get me 10 sbs. for each app.
i start running ncraves on my computer. they are tricky now and many videos require you to have your cursor on the page--making you a prisoner on the page and not able to do other things. i try to avoid those videos that have that message and there are usually some that don't.
whichever videos you choose make sure you pick ones that auto play--make sure the box is checked and your playlist has the blue circle indicating it can auto-play.
now just check these every 20 minutes or so and keep running them. some days there will be NONE. if that's the case try a different browser or just check back in an hour. i find nothing is permanent when it comes to ncraves.